Antony BUERGER, farmer, P. O. Mt. Olive, Macoupin County, whose parents, John and Mary C. (FASTLABEND) BUERGER, were natives of Germany, was born in that country September 2, 1822. John BUERGER, who was a farmer, died in Madison County, Ill., October 18, 1846. His wife died in the same county in 1872. Antony, who was the eldest of a family of ten, received his education in Germany, and engaged in farming, which occupation he has always followed. He married in St. Louis, Mo., May 13, 1853, Louisa BARTMEN, born in Germany in 1830, daughter of John BARTMAN. From this union seven children have been born to them - Joseph, John F., Mary, Matilda, Henry, Louisa and Leonora. Mr. BUERGER is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and in politics a Democrat.
Extracted 19 Nov 2016 by Norma Hass from 1882 History of Bond and Montgomery Counties, Illinois, Part 2 Biographical Department, page 188.
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