Macoupin County


Thomas Harris Cherry, who for many years has been prominently identified with the agricultural and stock interests of Macoupin county, was born in this county on the 17th of July, 1854. He is a son of Thomas C. and Elizabeth (Smith) Cherry, the father a native of Tennessee and the mother of Kentucky. The father located in this county prior to 1830, settling on a farm in the vicinity of Scottsville, whence he later removed to Girard. In 1855 he established a machine and blacksmith shop in the latter place, which he conducted for five years. Withdrawing from this business in 1860 he engaged in the buying and selling of live stock until 1891, at which time he passed away.

In the acquirement of his education Thomas Harris Cherry attended the public schools of Girard until he was sixteen years of age. In 1870 he entered the employ of his father, who took him into partnership when he attained his majority five years later. The business was thereafter conducted under the firm name of Cherry & Son, until after the death of his father, when Mr. Cherry took William T. Coverdill into partnership with him. They have ever since operated under the name of Cherry & Company, Joseph Coverdill, a son of William Coverdill, having been a member of the company since 1902. In addition to his interests in Girard, Mr. Cherry still engages in agricultural pursuits and is now running a large stock farm in Girard township. He is one of the affluent citizens of the county and besides his various other interests is one of the stockholders and vice-president of the People’s Bank of Girard.

In 1877 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Cherry and Miss Adela Post, of Virden township, a daughter of U. S. and Hannah (Clayton) Post, old residents of Illinois. To Mr. and Mrs. Cherry have been born two sons and two daughters, who are living, namely: Alfred, who married Miss Jessie Talkinton and has two daughters, Aline and Eveline; Clarence Smith, who married Miss Prudence Church; and Elizabeth and Adela, both of whom are unmarried and still at home.

The family all affiliate with the Baptist church, in the work of which they take an active part, Mr. Cherry having been a deacon and treasurer of the church for many years. His political support he always gives to the prohibition party, thus voicing his views on the temperance question. His father was also a prohibitionist and carried the mayoralty vote by a majority of one when Girard became a temperance town under its new charter. Mr. Cherry has never very prominently participated in municipal affairs, but he has represented the second ward in the town council for two terms, and for several years he was a school director. He has high ideals of citizenship and gives his hearty support and cooperation to every movement which is advanced for the betterment of the community, either intellectual or moral.

Extracted 18 Nov 2018 by Norma Hass from History of Macoupin County, Illinois: Biographical and Pictorial, by Charles A. Walker, published in 1911, Volume 2, pages 638-639.

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