An experience of twenty-eight years in the general mercantile
business has given Adam Fischer of Staunton a thorough knowledge of
business affairs, and also an acquaintance with human nature which
cannot be learned from books. He has been successful financially and is
known as one of the leading merchants of Macoupin county. A native of
Staunton, he was born June 24, 1853, being a son of Christopher and Anna
Maria (Frank) Fischer. The father was born in Hasloch, Germany, and
learned the basketmaker’s trade in the old country under his father, who
was an expert in that line. He engaged at his trade in Germany, but,
having decided that more favorable opportunities were presented in the
new world, he emigrated to America and arrived at Staunton, Illinois,
when the town consisted of only two or three houses. Here he engaged in
basketmaking and at such other work as he could find. He was employed in
the Staunton mill and later secured a position as clerk in a store at
Staunton, but was obliged to give up this position on account of failing
health. He began business on his own account with a small stock of
groceries, and applied himself with such diligence that he became the
owner of a general store. He retired from business in 1883 and died in
1904. The mother of our subject was also born in Germany and is still
living in Staunton, having arrived at the age of eighty-six years. In
the family of Mr. and Mrs. Fischer were seven children: Frederick G.,
who is deceased; Adam, of this review; Anna, who is the widow of Bruno
Hebenstreit, of Staunton; Paul H., who is engaged in business with his
brother Adam; H. A., postmaster of Staunton, a record of whom appears
elsewhere in this work; Edward Joseph, who owns a general store at
Wamego, Kansas; and Mary, who is the wife of Ernest Weis, of Staunton.
Adam Fischer attended the parochial schools of Staunton, where
he secured the foundation of a good education. He remained at home until
twenty years of age and then began learning the cooper’s trade, which he
followed in various parts of the country, also engaging in other
occupations. On May 22, 1883, he and his brother Paul took charge of the
business at Staunton which their father had founded and developed it
upon an extensive scale. The firm is known as> Fischer Brothers and
carries a large and well selected stock of general merchandise, being
one of the most flourishing business establishments in Macoupin county.
In 1874 Mr. Fischer was married to Miss Minnie Maxe, a native of
Staunton, and they have nine children: Hannah, who is the wife of G. E.
Fritz, of Staunton, and has nine children; Emil, who is deceased; Lydia,
who- became the wife of Adolph Weis, of Staunton; Nellie and Ella, who
are assisting in the store; Della, Walter and Minnie, all of whom are
deceased; and Esther, who also assists in the store.
religions belief Mr. Fischer is in hearty sympathy with the Lutheran
church, of which he arid his family are members. He gives his support to
the republican party, the principles of which he regards as highly
important for the perpetuity of the republic. He has never sought public
office but has given his undivided attention to his business, and the
success he has attained is convincing evidence of his ability. By
thrift, energy and good judgment he has accumulated a fortune, and it is
gratifying to know that his success has been won in legitimate channels
and through perfectly honorable methods.
Extracted 20 Oct 2018 by Norma Hass from History of Macoupin County, Illinois: Biographical and Pictorial, by Charles A. Walker, published in 1911, Volume 2, pages 227-228.
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