Macoupin County

1919 Prairie Farmers Directory - N

Nail, A. S. (Marie Henderson) Ch *C. Wesley, *W. Walter; "Lone Elm Farm" Barnett R1 Shaws Point Sec27 T40a (1907)

Nantz, Ed. (Alice Atchison) "Walnut Grove Farm" Carlinville R5 Shaws Point Sec30 Proff Conley (1896) Bell Tel. Carlinville

Nead, J. M. (Ann C. Utz) Ch *Rosa, *Osa; "Pleasant View Dairy Farm" Palmyra R31 South Palmyra Sec17 O110a (1862) Waverly Tel. Palmyra

Nead, Osa D. (Violet Robinson) Ch Marjorie; Palmyra R31 South Palmyra Sec17 O80a (1889) Waverly Tel. Palmyra

Neal, J. H. (Cora Brown) Ch Stanley; Palmyra R34 North Palmyra Sec36 O180a (1894) Waverly Tel. Palmyra

Neece, A. J. (Bertha H. Howser) Ch Irving L., Howser H.; Palmyra R34 North Palmyra Sec34 O80a (1881) Waverly Tel. Palmyra

Neece, William H. (Hattie Hettick) Ch Dorothy, Alma, Wanda, Ella; Scottville Scottville Sec21 O5a (1904) Scottville Tel. Scottville

Neff, Estell (Martha Drake) Nilwood R37 South Otter Sec13 T80a Thompson (1894) Girard Tel. Girard

Neff, Everett (Elizabeth Kirk) Ch Thomas, Edward, Harold, *Georgia; Girard R40 Girard Sec31 T86A Mrs. S. F. Miner (1867) Girard Tel. Girard

Neff, William E. (Hattie Gardner) Ch Louis, Winfred, Albert, *Estelle; Nilwood R37 South Otter Sec1-2 O80a (1866) Girard Tel. Girard

Neher, David (Louaner Lowdermilk) Ch *Myrtle; Girard R40 Girard Sec19 T35a Mrs. Mary Fulborn (1912) Farmers Mutual Tel. Girard and Virden

Neighbors, Ernest W. (Lillian A. Enos) Ch Melvin L.; Palmyra R31 South Palmyra Sec34 T185a R. Whitely Jr. (1896) Macoupin Tel. Carlinville

Neighbors, William L. (Louisa Laxton) Ch Leslie, Arthur, Woodie, Flossie, Ralph, *Ernest; "Fairview Farm" Carlinville R4 Carlinville Sec2 T168a W. E. P. Anderson (1864) Macoupin Tel. Carlinville

Neihaus, Edward H. Mt. Olive R13 Cahokia Sec26 O190a (1867) Bell Tel. Mt. Olive

Nesbit, Richard N. (Anna H. Rathgeber) "Nesbit Buff Wyandotte Farm" Bunker Hill R16 Dorchester Sec32-33 O160a (1886) Bunker Hill Tel. Bunker Hill

Nestler, Robert A. (Tina Harms) Ch Monroe; Gillespie R9 Gillespie Sec28 O80a (1882)

Netherton, Robert T. (Eva Huddleston) Ch Jesse C.; "Maple Grove Farm" Carlinville R7 Brushy Mound Sec34 O80a (1848) Gillespie Home Tel. Gillespie

Netzer, William K. (Minnie Hower) Ch Zalma; Nilwood R37 South Otter Sec13 Farm Hand Roy Young (1867) Girard Tel. Girard

Nevins, Alexander (Frances Howells) Ch *Minnie, *Arthur, *Harold, *Cloe, *Leatha; "Village Farm" Modesto North Palmyra Sec22 O60a (1857) Modesto Tel. Modesto

Nevins, Carl A. (Carrie E. Emery) Ch Ruth, Howard; Readers Western Mound Sec14 T140a J. J. Falter (1879)

Nevins, Charles E. (Kate Ellis) Ch Nelson N., Neita A., Nataline M., Nathella N.; Modesto R35 North Palmyra Sec6 O133a (1866) Modesto Tel. Modesto

Nevins, Coy (Bertha Zelma) Ch Mildred, Mabel, Eva, Helen; Modesto R36 North Palmyra Sec12 T120a R. K. Alderson (1884) Modesto Tel. Modesto

Nevins, Henry (Jessie Westrope) Ch Ora, Eugene, Mary, Richard, Lena, Geraldine, Raymond, Louise, Howard, Joseph; "Bald Knob Poultry Farm" Palmyra R34 South Palmyra Sec2 O11a (1875) Waverly Tel. Palmyra

Nevins, Silas (Elizabeth Davidson) Ch *Paul, *Edna, *Ruth, *Mary; Nilwood R38 Nilwood Sec20 O80a (1854) Girard Tel. Girard

Nevins, Wilbur "Violet Hill Farm" Reader Western Mound Sec12 T120a Evelyn Nevins (1881) Chesterfield Tel. Hettick

Newby, Albert W. (Mattie Cubecheck) Ch Lewis, Howard, Alpheus, Isabelle; "Beautiful Spring Dairy Farm" Plainview Hillyard Sec3 O84a (1877)

Newby, Charles E. (Wilda Moore) Ch Orval, Thelma; Plainview Hilyard Sec3 O120a (1884)

Newell, Charles P. (Rose E. Berry) Ch Ora, *Letha M.; Modesto R35 North Palmyra Sec3 O78a (1871) Modesto Tel. Modesto

Newell, Jesse W. (Ollie Smock) Ch Helen, Pauline, Lucile, Irene, LaVerne, Wayne, *Dorothy, *Bernice; "Clovermead Farm" Girard Girard Sec30 O20a (1907) Mutual Tel. Girard

Nichols, Abb M. (Alice Rogers) Ch Willie, Dora, Viola, Theodore; Virden R41 North Otter Sec10 T240a Woods Est. (1913) Virden Home Tel. Virden

Nichols, Charles and John Talkington Chesterfield R28 Chesterfield Sec8 O20a (1878)

Niehaus, Frank H. (Frieda Winters) Ch Melvin; Mt. Olive R13 Cahokia Sec24 T160a Henry J. Niehaus (1888) Mutual Tel. Litchfield

Niehaus, Henry (Anna Groshenheider) Ch Louis, Anna, Henry Jr., *William, *Minnie, *Lydia; Hornsby R11 O270a (1884) Hillsboro Mutual Tel. Litchfield

Niehaus, Louis Jr. (Emma Kruse) Ch Raymond; Mt. Olive Mt Olive Sec12 T80a William Whitehouse (1915)

Niehaus, William H. (Etta Folkerts) Hornsby R10 Honey Point Sec34 T140a Henry Niehaus (1883)

Nifong, Guy L. (Clara McCurley) Ch Ruby, *Otho, *Guy; Palmyra R33 North Palmyra Sec16 O220a (1861) Modesto Tel. Modesto

Nighbert, Charles E. (Golden Gobble) Ch Euen; Palmyra R33 Scottville Sec9 T140a N. E. Gobble and Lena Redfern (1910) Scottville Tel. Scottville

Nighbert, James M. (Jennie Owens) Ch Gussie, Edna, Lelah; Modesto R35 Scottville Sec10 O270a (1894) Scottville Tel. Scottville

Nimmons, Frank (Margaret F. Luken) Hornsby R10 Honey Point Sec33 O80-20a (1916) Gillespie Tel. Gillespie

Ninnons, Joseph E. (Julia Brietweiser) Ch Ralph, Howard; Litchfield Cahokia Sec4 O112a (1883) Gillespie Home Tel. Gillespie

Nixon, Charles M. (Lilie M. Towse) Ch Lyle; "Kents Point Farm" Carlinville R1 Bird Sec35 T80a Charles Towse (1869) Macoupin Tel. Carlinville

Nixon, George S. J. (Minnie Bell Brown) "Glendale Dairy Farm" Carlinville R1 Carlinville Sec29 T48½ a Capt Perry M. Duckles (1880) Macoupin Tel. Carlinville

Nixon, Harley H. (Viola M. Sarginson) Ch Melba, Ruby; Carlinville R1 Bird Sec1 T80a S. E. Killam (1890) Macoupin Tel. Carlinville

Nixon, James R. (Bertha A. Morris) Ch Jeanette, Martha; Carlinville R3 Bird Sec12 T160a Sophia Luebmann (1883) Macoupin Tel. Carlinville

Nixon, John C. (Bessie Thompson) Ch Clara, May, Harold, Clarence, Marie, George; Carlinville R8 Polk Sec1 T104a Charles Hunter (1864) Macoupin Tel. Carlinville

Nixon, Pearl P. (Ada Woods) Ch Floyd, Mildred, Kenion, Dale; Carlinville R8 Polk Sec2 T120a Charles Towse (1886) Macoupin Tel. Carlinville

Nobbe, Herman Ch Arthur, Pearl, *Ella; Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Sec21 O100a (1899) Mutual Tel. Woodburn

Noel, John L. Ch John, Lawrence, *Frank, *Charles, *Joseph, *Celia, *Lula, *Neta; Bunker Hill R16 Dorchester Sec18 O159a (1878)

Northern, Edward W. (Anna Northern Sister) Greenfield R1 Barr Sec19 O60a (1908) Illinois Tel. Greenfield

Norvell, Edward E. (May Garrett) Ch Rachel; Gillespie R9 Cahokia Sec7 O160a (1866) Gillespie Home Tel. Gillespie

Nunes, Edward B. (Ella Watson) Ch Hilda, Evelyn; Girard R43 Nilwood Sec3 T160a Jesse Metcalf (1903) Mutual Tel. Girard

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